~ Our dark side
We call them our dark side :
The things that we don't like about ourselves , the feelings that we have been taught to hide from others , our insecuirities , our fears ,our weaknesses , our anger , our overwhelming emotions , our rage , our sadness , that brief moments of hate , that bitter sweetness we get from revenge ..
As If we were supposed to be the reincarnation of Jesus , they tell us to forgive it all but even God does not forgive it all and that's why the concept of hell was created . They condition us to numb our anger and to cry behind closed doors because crying is for the weak and the weak is not worthy of belonging.
Whenever we share some of our struggles on social media or even with friends , they accuse us of being negative , of being over emotional _ as if emotions were a vice _ of over reacting and over doing everything ...
Obsessed with this false image of perfection ; we have been conditioned to believe that we should act like monks : stay silent when angry , use Budhha as a reference , be patient and detached from all material things .. but here's the thing : if these monks were able of finding their inner_peace among the crowds why did they choose to spend the rest of their lives alone in a mountain away from all the stressing daily life and twisted society?
As my therapist used to tell me : " those who stay indifferent to all the constraints of life and whose's psyché does not react to defeat and guilt are the ones who need serious therapy ."
Emotions are to be felt and expressed : the positive ones and the negative ones . So when angry put your emotions into words , when you're happy don't hesitate to show us that beautiful smile of yours . When sad let your soul be refreshed by your tears . When feeling tired lean on your friend's shoulder and ask him for comfort .
Experiencing life is experiencing joy and pain and anger and gratitude .On the other hand , one has to be understanding ,forgiving and let go _when ready to do so _ and set healthy boundaries at the same time .
Here's a call for all humans to feel , share and show up for themselves , make mistakes and learn from them and share their darkest stories , because it's in the darkness that stars shine the most .
We are all flawed , irked and broken and insecure, but we are worthy of respect , love , belonging and connecting with others .
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