Note to all the sensitive women of the world
If he really loved you he wouldn't have hurt you , because one does not hurt people he loves .
If he was really interested he would have answered your messages instantly , because when you are interested in someone you don't keep them waiting for days .
If he respected you he wouldn't have made you feel jouelous because comparing a woman to an other is degrading. He would have recognized and validated your feelings because HUMANS have the right to feel .
If he treasured you he would have walked miles to see you for just some seconds because when you treasure a lady you would move mountains for her .
If he really enjoyed your company, he would have texted you after your first time out or maybe even called you .
If he valued you he wouldn't have played you because when you value the woman in front of you , you commit to her and stop all childish mind games.
If he was afraid of losing you he would not have played on your insecurities because when you want to keep a woman you become her shelter and her home not the reason of her unsteadiness.
If he really loved you or appreciated you , he would have told you so , because feeling are supposed to be expressed not guessed.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is ok to be kind and understanding and assume your mistakes, but when you are the only one saying "i am sorry" there must be something wrong.
Never except someone to change and become better , because people only become bitter with every second chance you offer them .
No one is obligated to stay in a toxic relationship.
Love is not supposed to hurt and it does not make you someone's slave .
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